

St Albert’s Parish and School work together collaboratively
to be bearers of the Good News to one another and
the wider community.  

We are an inclusive sacramental community who invite all people to strengthen their relationship with God, with one another and the world.  We are a family drawing life from the Scriptures, the Eucharist and the Sacraments. Personal, family and communal prayer is encouraged and nurtured.

We have a strong Parish School Sacramental Program in which families work together with the School and Parish to prepare the children at this critical stage of their faith development.

All are welcomed, included and nourished in our School and Parish celebrations: Masses, Sacraments, Feast days, welcoming families, picnics and excursions.

We are all empowered to use our gifts to help our community grow.  Parishioners, parents, students and staff give their time and support to help one another’s growth and journey towards wholeness. 


13 Geraldton Street , PO Box 570
Loxton South Australia 5333
T: (08) 8584 5110    F: (08) 8584 5133